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Ditch the Dreariness: Eat Your Way to Sunshine

  • These four foods would be perfect to combat seasonal depression
  • They should be consumed without moderation during the winter!
  • These foods would be beneficial for combating seasonal fatigue and the current blues.

It’s going to be about three more months before we start seeing warmer weather. Spring begins in March, but until then, we have to deal with winter and its gloomy days. Some people feel down when there’s not enough sunlight, and it can lead to depression for them. In Europe, studies show that seasonal depression affects between 1.3 and 4.6% of the population.

Without going as far as illness, you can simply have the winter blues. Getting out of bed then becomes a real ordeal, fatigue overcomes you and you are in a gloomy mood with your loved ones. To give you a little boost, four foods are particularly effective, as explained by Kyle Crowley, nutrition expert, interviewed by Newsweek. In fact, a good diet can counter mood disorders, in addition to giving you a boost of energy.
Study links untreated depression and development of dementia.

4 Food Warriors to Conquer Your Seasonal Depression (Dreariness)

1. Oatmeal

Don’t hesitate to serve yourself a big bowl for breakfast and start the day off right. Oatmeal is recognized for its richness in fiber. Nutritionist, Kyle Crowley, specifies that fiber plays an important role in stabilizing mood. Furthermore “oats trigger the release of tryptophan which produces serotonin, thereby reducing anxiety and depressive symptoms”

2. Flax Seeds

An omega-3 deficiency quickly occurs and causes fatigue, cardiovascular disorders, and can even promote depressive states. Flaxseeds are full of omega-3 and they contribute “to increase dopamine and serotonin”, according to the expert. Which would have a positive impact on our mood and our mental health.

3. Red Fruits

Red fruits (blueberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, etc.) generally reduce memory loss and symptoms of depression. Kyle Crowley says that these little fruits have many good effects on our mood. They can activate brain pathways that make us think better and also help fight the bad effects of stress because they have vitamin C. Eating red fruits for breakfast would be the guarantee of a good mood during the day.

4. Oily Fish

The Icelanders, big eaters of fatty fish, are very little affected by seasonal depression. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fatty fish are the anti-depression food par excellence, as well as very good food sources of vitamin D. So, favor the consumption of mackerel, herring, and sardines this winter!

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